Aprílové čítanie 4

Zatváranie rýchlovlakových staníc. English needed.

Shining example: how China is propelling gold’s record-breaking rally

China issues ‘once in a century’ flood warning for Guangdong’s Bei River zone

East Asia joins global military spending surge over China concerns: report

Shaoguan and Qingyuan in particular experienced heavy rainfall on April 20, causing several rivers to exceed their warning levels. Čítať ďalej

Aprílové čítanie 3

V Pekingu odobrali medaily africkým bežcom. English needed.

Navigating faith and freedom in China’s house churches

Chinese spy agency says foreigners targeting rare earth and food tech industries

Jin Yong and the Wuxia Genre with Alice Poon

PRC Exploitation of Russian Intelligence Networks in Europe Čítať ďalej

Aprílové čítanie 2

Všetko najlepšie. English needed.

‘We can’t fall behind’ : China’s local debt woes hurt firms, create distrust

China marks most profitable Ching Ming since 2019 as travellers spend big

The History of Chinese Philosophy (Part 6)

Happy 70th birthday, Jackie Chan! Jackie Chan Bar | CHINESE FAN CLUB Čítať ďalej

Aprílové čítanie

Silné zemetrasenie na Taiwane. English needed.

“Toxic” Literature Exam Questions Inspire Nationalist, Anti-Japanese Outburst

Bodies of 8 Chinese migrants found on Mexico beach after boat capsized

Fake gold, investment scams rise as China’s middle class seek safe-haven assets

Knockout success of Yolo – the feelgood female boxing movie from China Čítať ďalej

Marcové čítanie 5

Problém troch telies ako prejav rasizmu? English needed.

“Compass-in-Chief”: The 240+ Topics Xi Jinping Has “Pointed The Way Forward” On

The Case of the Electric Projecting Killing Machine

3 Body Problem piracy in China shows some American shows can still break through

Weibo introduces an AI ‘Comment Robot’ to boost engagement Čítať ďalej

Marcové čítanie 4

Záplava solárnych panelov spôsobuje pokles ich ceny aj prepúštanie. English needed.

From gyms to hostels, women in China are creating female-friendly spaces in growing trend

The Wanzhou Grand Waterfall in China

Finnish developers push for Chinese-built tunnel to Estonia despite doubts

Mysterious Ancient Doorway at Hejin City, China Čítať ďalej

Marcové čítanie 3

Novinára štátnej televízie zrušili pri natáčaní v teréne. Zrazu si niektorí všimi, že sa to novinárom v Číne deje. English needed.

Parking in Shenzhen, China.

China ready to let some troubled property firms go bust: housing minister

Did rapid climate changes trigger social unrest in China over past 4,000 years?

China’s Nobel winner Mo Yan targeted by growing band of online nationalists Čítať ďalej

Marcové čítanie 2

Nuvaľujte sankcie na čínske firmy dodávajúce do Ruska veci použiteľné pre armádu, lebo ich môže byť treba aj na Ukrajine. English needed.

China’s bureaucrats turn to AI, handwriting robots to cope with paperwork

China needs 10 times its solar and wind power to be carbon neutral, study finds

China’s middle-income population passes 500 million mark, says state-owned newspaper

China’s premier won’t meet the press after ‘two sessions’ for first time in 3 decades Čítať ďalej

Marcové čítanie

Boj proti korupcii: Čína zdvojnásobuje tresty za úplatky. English needed.

Decline in fish output seen amid destruction of 21,000 acres of West Philippine Sea coral reefs

Qingtian, Lishui met a super hail that never happened in a hundred years.

Why Chinese investors are struggling to hold on to their overseas properties

Meituan, Didi in the spotlight as China stresses gig workers rights Čítať ďalej

Februárové čítanie 4

Aj Malta je čínsky priateľ v Európe. English needed.

EU ‘absolutely willing’ to use trade tools against China to fight unfair practices as bloc launches train probe

Leshan Giant Buddha

A fertilizer factory emitting purple smoke in China on Valentine’s Day

The bridge, on Taihang Mountain near Handan city in China’s Hebei Province is a high altitude glass bridge that has added the illusion of the glass cracking underneath your feet as you walk across. Čítať ďalej